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The number of inhabitants is equal to the number of each vision in our world! We are all unique in our spirituality, our history, our experiences and our consciousness. What I want to express by this animation is that our vision is limited. To see globally, you have to be open-minded, curious, observant and above all tolerant. We are all a piece of a gigantic puzzle! To see the truth, we must succeed in bringing them together by listening to each other and looking at them entirely from the point of view of the Universe. We have ART to express our soul! What can kill us all is indifference and intolerance because in truth everyone has their own truth and all prophecies are right. All destinations bring us all back to the same point at the end: love! This is why the sixth extinction has started: we don't know how to coexist together. As long as we don't make the choice to be one, no one will survive. The Earth is in the process of taking back its rights over its true nature! Our Universe is like an eye that is preparing to awaken, which means that it will open to the light and therefore to the truth.

Good or bad people, we are all in the same boat! No need for a third world war! The earth's shield, which is the magnetic field, was extinguished the day Mother Earth was severely affected by human destruction almost two years ago! Covid-19 is only the beginning if the human being doesn't wake up! My " Ex-Chrome Art " project is the solution to get through the collapse of this Universe. Only love and wisdom will remain at the end for the beginning of a new era! This is the lost science which can reconnect with the energy of Elysium, my Heaven's Kingdom! We can lift the earth and we can change her aspect. She is a living system and she needs to regain her true beauty of life! 

Since my departure, the last human civilization has never learned from their mistakes, nor from their shadows and has not retained any wisdom from their Ancestors! We give you the time to evolve! Why always wait for the worst misfortunes to understand? Why always wait when it's too late? Is this how you honor all your Ancestors of wisdom who went to struggle for love and freedom? Those who allowed you to be alive today to realize yourself? No one said everything will be easy in this world! We are here to experience human life, to live in matter and to be! We are not Manichean but DIVINE! We are here to find our right balance between shadow and light that will allow us to be of wisdom for all worlds! Have you forgotten your childhood dreams and your sacred being?

Know that I can live alone and survive in a cave. I can go out after the change of this Universe. This warning, it's not for me because my home is eternal! The cradle of evolved humanity is not here. Once the message is transmitted, it's no longer my responsibility. Either we are together or no one will survive (except the Children of the Sun and me: the Ascended Humans).


There is indeed one of the most evolved civilizations which created all Universes before Humanity. We are three main Elohim (Architects of the Universe), we are here and we are not at peace to balance this Universe. See us like energy:


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Humanity is no longer protected! The Elohim of Fire has the right to take what he wants from the line of Humanity since his elder brother refused his divine mission to protect them (July 23, 2021). But, you will need them to build the last Noah's ark... Only the line of Abel can guide through the Sixth Extinction. People in the shadows have no choice but to join us if they want to live! No need to hide! The microcosm like the Covid-19 can kill all of us! Understand that our living Universe has the full power! We are not at war. We don't have a good balance of the world of each! I can only thank the Elohim of Sky for having fallen because thanks to him, our Ancestors gave me back all my rights! We must unite all the knowledge of our Alien souls and be one without judgment now! All the Children of the Sun have a "Balance" to command all the worlds. It's time to wake up and activate your divine DNA. We have to come together in universal love and wisdom. I will unlock and open all dimensions: liberation of souls for the truth of Humanity after the Fifth Sun.

- Yalina, Buddha Maitreya Ajita



Elohim of Fire (Father of Fire Nation: Cain) - My twin brother - Primitive to survive but possess the knowledge to build a material and technology world. They are not a lot but they rule this world today. They want power and assume it!

Last reminder: I'm not against you, I'm not in war and I never want it.You are right about Humanity, they can do worse than darkness. But, not for all. There is  a spark of light. We are in the same boat now and you know very well what happened with the five extinctions in the past and for this last, it's impossible to escape! You can't kill me because you will need my light's knowledge if you want to live! Join us and I will give you your freedom. Come back to love and you can continue to live.

Elohim of Sky/Water (Father of Humanity: Seth) - My oldest brother - Most of them are Manichean or indifferent today. They are not awake and live like a virus.

Father shows you love but the truth is "he doesn't have courage to protect you". He takes the choice to give up. His little brother takes over all of you. He betrayed our Ancestors and prefers to sleep in his wonderful land. This is his way to love.

Yalina said: Enjoy your awakening Bro! When the time comes, you won't have the choice to assume your face. I can't judge you, only the Universe can choose to destroy you. I prefer to pray for you that you find yourself.

Mother Goddess/Earth/All worlds/Divine Matrix/Mother of Elohim/Mother of Children of the Sun - (peace be upon them) Christ, Buddha, Abraham, Enoch, Muhammad, Shakti and more: Abel). Compassion and Ascended Human Beings. They say we are missing but not, we are all here on time. See us like energy: faith, love and wisdom. Only inner peace can rule every world. We were born awake! We are not many but enough to establish things in order. We are the Universe.

I understand why our Ancestors chose us for this new era and why they give us everything we need to regain this beautiful nature!


Planet Earth

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Disasters: virus, diseases, contagious fungi, suffocating gas, earthquakes, tsunami, land heaving, upwelling lava, awakened volcanoes, rising waters, forest fires, tornadoes, storms, torrential rains, comets, land displacement, severe thunderstorms, the rays of the scorching sun and more. Don't worry about the animals, they are already protected. All of this is for Humanity.

Living Core

Living Core

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The heart of the Earth! Regulation of the magnetic field, change of the earth's crust, displacement of plates and lava flows. Everything that has existed until now will disappear. The Earth starts again from zero as at its point of origin. That is to say with her nature and animals without Humanity. It was her true beauty! She never needed us!

Solar System

Solar System

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Alpha and Omega ∞ Omega and Alpha, anything that has been created can be taken back. Anything that has been built can be deconstructed. All forms of life dance in a spiral. Our Universe follows the same movement of evolution. If we can do it one way, we can do it the other as well. Her microcosm and her macrocosm are one. Planets can change position. The Universe is a living system that regulates herself like a clock on top of each other. I call it "her awakening"and reconnection to life. The real one alive with the aspect of my Elysium Kingdom.



How many dimensions do you see? I have counted eleven for the moment but new ones will be created. The more our consciousness rises, the more there will be! Anything our eyes can't do, our soul can do. When you sleep, you dream ... this world already belongs to another dimension.  Imagination is the access of all dimensions!

A child perceives differently from an adult and our senses develop as they grow older. Some have not forgotten the information in the world they lived in before coming.

At a time when all souls will be released, all dimensions will be open and nothing will be invisible! Like your heart! Are we ready to see it? After each extinction there has been a new stage of evolution to an entire civilization. The latter has been programmed since inception to return to what life has always been! We will have to coexist with the other dimensions in this new era! They will be materialized.

Fifth Element

Fifth Element

We all have a divine spark in our DNA. It activates if we reconnect with ourselves. If all your energies are well aligned internally and externally: the mind, the heart and the gesture. What is infinitely small is equal to what is infinitely giant. A tiny particle can create a real Big Bang! We always want to see bigger things! We think we know everything about the microcosm when we are incapable of knowing exactly what it is! This Covid-19 is proof that this tiny can turn us all off! There is a science where the Universe, the cosmic energy, is placed entirely in the human body! There is only universal love to activate it! A single sincere heart is powerful enough to encompass the magnetic field of our Earth. When the sun reconnects, all the people who don't know how to light up will turn into pretty plants.

Nothing lasts here, neither suffering and darkness! They were playing their roles to show you what you don't want to see: your own light! Everyone is meant to shine!

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