Whaaaaat's thaaaat??????? This is a spaceship for "Aliiieeen People" like meeeee!!! Mouhaha!!! Don't be scared! It's just for a new era soon! We must recognize that our civilization is falling apart since it has never been adapted to nature. I have solution to survive if you want it!
Nexus VI is a team of friends who produce a French Series specializing in science fiction! I'm not always with them because I'm on the road but I still have a thought! Their last episode is so gorgeous!
I called it "Sphery Flight " : the first prototype of transportation in the future with free and unlimited energy including all types of technologies and sciences! Don't forget my value about the respect of our nature! No need for roads anymore, more secure for everybody! It's like a ball when you push it against the wall, we have an absorption of chocs! No explosion! No more accidents! Maybe the first miniature will not be very beautiful, but with time, we can evolve it later! Some colors, better forms. For me, the circle is the most solid, stable and better for gravity like the planets! I'm still working at it!
Now, we can integrate technology with artificial intelligence like a video-game ball! We have the camera 360°. It can detect something nearby and can tell you before collision. No need to drive, just inform on your GPS coordinates the point A and B. In my car, I can't see all around me! My vision is restricted. When we fly, even fifty or one meter up the ground, it's sufficient! No need anymore to build roads and we can go into the grass, some rocks and water! No need for petrol, we have lots of free and renewable energy! We never evolve it to use it! How can our planet move without pollution or accidents? We possess natural energy in the earth: geothermal, thermic, solar and more! Don't forget magnetism or vegetable energy could be fuel! Think about it! We can try to regroup all of these and take the best! The final goal is to make a home inside and to go everywhere. For sure, everything will be recyclable materials!
What happens when we let the power of masculine energy? Humans in this world can develop: big buildings, expensive cars with gasoline, fire weapons and lots of things that are always most powerful. But never think with feminine energy: creation, life, beauty and safety. No, all people don't want a big and expensive car. I prefer to adopt security, to have a better planet and live more longer as I can! No pollution! What is the definition of transportation? It's a thing which can transport us from the point A to point B! When I hire lots of different types of car depending on the situation where I live, I always meditate about this: So, why are we so primitive? And why do we never transform this until forty years later?! Is it because of the money and the oil market? Periodically, I need a particular car for desert, volcano rocks, water and more. One day, I broke my car, and a rock spiked it in the middle. How was this possible? I don't know hahahaha! Nothing but, it's not really good! Every so often, I chose to swim. It's excellent than everything! Do you see the difference between both of these pictures? One represents the future and the other is for people who love racing! Maybe in two centuries, you can combine the power of an engine with safety and respect for the planet! It takes all sorts to make a world!
One day ... I wish I could create my own high-tech Batmobile! The most powerful with natural, free, renewable energy and recyclable materials! I need an ejection seat in case the passenger is annoying... Here are some images of the futuristic transport that can be created soon! I hope we can make them evolve as soon as possible!
Il semble donc que ce soit Anaxagore qui ait le premier parlé d’un esprit, νους, qui ait dirigé la matière. Certes l’air opaque est au centre du monde, le feu et l’éther, tout autour. La terre se forme, en second, le ciel, du premier, l’air se séparant lui-même en nuages, terres et pierres ». Mais pour première fois, ces parties de la matière étaient dominées par le νους ou esprit : « les autres choses ont part du tout, mais le νους, lui est infini, autonome et ne se mélange à rien », car cela empêcherait son pouvoir, et tout ce qui a été mélangé a été connu de lui. Ce qui permet, dans cet univers où il y a des homéomères, ou parties égales qui se partagent tout, tant dans la matière que dans les corps vivants, il y a ainsi une intelligence ou esprit, lequel donne cet autre dimension à l’homme, en plus de la matière, d’avoir une âme. - La matière et l’esprit, Jean-Michel Charrue