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Liberation Of Souls

Writer's picture: Yalina Tran HuynhYalina Tran Huynh

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

" Freedom means the power to act by soul guidance, not by the compulsions of desires and habits. Obeying the ego leads to bondage; obeying the soul brings liberation. " - Paramahansa Yogananda
" The artist produces for the liberation of his soul. It is his nature to create as it is the nature of water to run down the hill. " - W. Somerset Maugham
" I'm a misunderstood genius." "What's misunderstood?" Nobody thinks I'm a genius. - Bill Watterson

In a world where everything goes fast, time is money and statistics, where we no longer consider ourselves human, how many people have a break in their lives and take the time to put things into perspective? How many people really love themselves when they look in the mirror? After my fifth NDE, I am supposed to be dead on Friday July 23, 2021 from severe sepsis, I understood that my fear of dying should no longer be. She was the last point I had to work with myself. Death doesn't ask for my opinion. It hits you like that! I left this world, that is to say by agreeing to view my whole life and remaining in my faith: love. I can only share my own truth, a piece of this giant puzzle!

I will never give up all the way I have come so long as this Universe exists. All the monuments preserved in our world are gates to other dimensions, there are others at the bottom of the abyss or hidden by the mountains. They are all linked together to burst the earth's shield. A single heart connected to the others can open them otherwise it would be much too simple to solve it, right? When the illusory world collapses, all souls will be set free. Everyone will have their own truth. Everyone will be entitled to defend their cause. Each will be judged from its creation. This is what we call the age of revelations.

I created this by our agreement with the Emerald Council. It was to let Humanity evolve and accept that they make their own mistakes to learn lesson of wisdom: the right balance between shadow and light. We are here to be divine. We are sacred like the Universe. This cube is actually a sphere with this famous embedded stone that will activate the day there is enough love on Earth. We have to balance feminine and maculine energy. I placed it in the middle of all the worlds and only the energy of life, cosmic energy, the divine matrix or the energy of creation can activate it. You know, this energy that makes all forms of things alive, she is feminine. It might be time to put our egos aside and unite before the destruction of the sixth extinction. It has already started! In a single day, Mother Earth can cleanse everything with lava and bring out all its splendid nature as on the first day. If there is no soul release, child souls, ascended and awakened souls are taken back. Our cradle is not here. We already know our truth while the rest will be eternally doomed to disintegration. You know what real chaos is? This was yesterday when I didn't have a face yet. It's when you take it all back and you see yourself disappearing into particles. The shadow world had already been subjugated in the past and its annihilation had been programmed. To stop all celestial wars and be fairer with beings who want to evolve towards love, we have built a middle world on Earth. This was a second chance for us to free and save ourself! Souls with the latest most evolutionary consciousness since we know how to be compassionate. What you call hell, it's locked here. They are one of the first civilisations! What you call paradise, it's an holographic or illusion like a simulation to teach you what is essential and to remind you who you are! Everything is inside first. Outside is not necessary. If you have the knowledge and you are free in your mind, you can be everywhere. No fear anymore. I see them as different worlds to be respected and tamed. Darkness can't touch you if you know how to enlighten yourself. " Know thyself " was the precept of the Delphic oracle which Socrates passed on to his followers.

Each is a piece of a giant puzzle! The goal is not to break the memory and it's all been in our DNA forever! Liberation of souls happens if we come together. Feminine energy connected with all enlightened hearts are the key to open all gates in order to have your own truth! This is why the sacred writings say that the last Buddha will represent love. Ἁγία Σοφία or Hagia Sophia is my face and what runs through my body.I am a woman and I have always been a woman in this tomb.



My favorite warrior! This is the video game " NieR Automata ". I always had this impression that I know her and that I had brought her to life through my imagination. I wish this character. She reminds me of my soul with my cube like on my artwork at the top of the page. With cosmic energy, it's alive and transforms into sphere like our Universe! This is the lost science I gave you: Ancestors memory never broke.




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