Tell them " No " and observe them to see how much they love you only when they can use you. Where are the kindness today? How many doors close in front of me when I tell them that I want to keep my freedom and my values to be authentic? Don't tell to people what they want to ear but be their mirrors with what they want to believe when they see you at the first time. Only free-spirit can recognise your soul because they speak the universal langage of love. The heart never lie. The heart knows the path. - Yalina Tran Huynh
Some questions are often asked by friends, meeting people or other...
D: A little presentation of you...?
- Yalina: Mother of Aliens civilisations. I let you define who they are. Haha! I was born an artist, a child prodigy diagnosed at the age of five for drawing geometry. I never forgot my previous life before coming here. I use visual art to transcribe my visions, my dreams, my nightmares, my memory and this future... Big dreamers transforming the world. I have no expectations. I was born alone, I come to give and after, I will also leave alone. I see myself as a being skinned alive from the past who has managed to find her light. All made by myself! Everything homemade! Good quality! 👍 * When I try to sell you Alien thing! *
R: What do you mean by "third-gender"?
- Yalina: I embrace " gender equity ". All I want is for people to feel good and happy without judgment. Accepting to feel good about your body is a long process of self-work in a competitive society. How many people hate themselves and can't look in the mirror? How many feel bad about not being able to choose their gender, feeling like they belong at the opposite pole or having a body that doesn't suit them? Mockery is easy to do and can break someone eternally! But the time to build yourself, it takes years to accept and love your body. Youth is lost over time... This is why I no longer want to put that I belong to this or that, no, I am here to have my own experience of human life. On my identity card and in my gallery of photographs where there are artistic nudes, you will have confirmation that I am indeed a woman. Only, sometimes I like to play roles even the one who is also in front! For the people who think I'm perfect... I'm sorry to disappoint you and tell you that my disease was invisible. I'm an impulsive former borderline because I was born in the war. It was my survival mechanism. Today, I 'm healed and it's my greatest victory to be free in love! I have the right to play with the Universe now!
B: I read your article to learn more about your personality, how are you going to do if one day you want to have a house, a husband or children? I think with a woman like you, it's your husband who will have to stay at home and take care of the children, hahahaha!
- Yalina: ...Because I think with my brain, my heart, my wisdom and my conscience. I want to stay free in a patriarchal system. Is it a problem? Why a woman in this world, she is destined to be married, have a house, children when she has not yet achieved her dreams, nor succeeded to be? I never said I didn't want this. I say me first. If I don't realize myself, I'd rather be alone than be embittered by someone's side and frustrate the children. They are sponges. There is enough misery. I want a happy family and for that, you have to start by loving yourself. We are shown a biased picture of what love is. People who have gone through two divorces with children know very well that there is something missing. For me, my own happiness is my responsibility first and foremost. If I'm already struggling to take care of myself in my own life, I'm not going to have children because my biological clock tells me to. To be alone and happy, to become, to fulfill myself, it's my priority before to give or share with people. If we are more conscious with more evolved souls, we wouldn't have a problem with global overpopulation or spreading like a virus to the planet. I would like us to define what it is to be human because I'm not sure that we have the knowledge of our Humanity. Now with the pandemic, I'm not planning anything. I live in the present. I just want to have fun with my friends!
E: Are you feminist?
- Yalina: I don't really like to use that term because I prefer " gender equity ", we are complementary but not dependent. Now, we use feminist for everything and anything! A woman who speaks out is a feminist! No! Stop it! Let's put the cards on the table. The reality of this world is that women, children and animals are still under the domination of the masculine energy. I never said that all men are like that. This is proven when we look at who the representatives of our world are. The majority are men. In some countries, women are still not free! There is progress but very slow. This can't last because Mother Earth, who is of feminine energy, will not ask your opinion to take everything back! She will show her power to the masculine. They can't dominate her! Also, cosmic energy is in my body and I have always been a woman with my dragon! Yes, the one in all the legends!
P: How not to be touched by the eyes of others or not to be judged when you are different?
- Yalina: No human being is pure from the age when he thinks and acts in conscience. They often respect me because I don't judge them. I consider them for who they are entirely. True human connections are not made through the internet. You can't feel another person's heart. Sometimes I don't need words to heal their hearts, love is enough to wash away all the pain in the world. They feel how much I suffered but also that there is hope. I don't use famous social networks. In my opinion, this is not the best way to share. I'm just saying it doesn't allow us to be authentic and ourselves. Statistics and me, it's not a love story since I consider myself as human and not as a number. I have discovered " Mastodon " which is decentralised in the database, where we are free and where I agree with the rights of my pictures. Otherwise, everything else is on my site which I have transformed into a masterpiece: all in one! I built my own Universe with my imagination, my own creativity far from the gaze of others. I have no outside influence and I don't need anyone to tell me what I should or shouldn't be. I want to develop a real authentic social media where we consider people like humans with their ideas, intellectual, spiritual, activism, knowledge, creativity, imagination and values. Never again for competition or to be what we couldn't be. Of course, nothing can replace real life.
E: Wow, wow, wow, how many personalities are there?
- Yalina: All the best and all the worst in one! I've found my own balance with the time! Seriously or not? Haha! You know, I love playing with illusions and adapting my different faces as needed. The vibration and the soul never lie, only the heart can feel it. To be or not to be? That is the question! Imagine, you could be everything you want? No one has only one personality. We meet and attract people because we are like magnetic mirrors of each other... Are you the same person when you are with your mother and people you have just met? I will always tell you that my true identity is the woman who travels sitting on her dragon in legends and my Ancestors taught me wisdom. In this reality, sometimes it ends like Captain Jack Sparrow...
E: Are you alone in your head? Are you possessed?
- Yalina: Yes, a lot by the Universal Love Energy for sure! Haha! Singing " Take me to church ". You know like the poltergeist child... when they are amaze by digitals screen and they turn their heads with the same eyes. My imagination love to be stimulate and create always more. This is a feeling, a need and my way of life.
I have always been fascinated by the angelic, occult, mystic, esoteric world, shamanism, religious or Ancestors beliefs, spiritual, the supernatural, mythology, legends, civilisations, cultures, science fiction, aliens and the world of horror. We always want to run away from something that belongs to our nature but that we don't want to see. If these things exist in our world, there are reasons and we can't deny that it's there. If we don't want to admit our shadow part, we will never learn from them what they want to show us. They will grow up inside you because you lie to yourself. They are here when we have weakness. Only your conscience with love and wisdom can start your evolution. Compassion is a victory. I took this path called spirituality like my Ancestors, Buddha beings. There are several, women and men. I'm not here for religion because I walk alone in the desert. I just want to share my experiences of life through my eyes: how I think or feel, how I have success to free my mind and how I learn day by day to become human being. In our world, we grow old and we die or we are already dead to become alive. We are extraterrestrials for those who are immortals, don't you think? I never closed my eyes when something good or bad happened in my life. Maybe some people may find my curiosity has gone too far while I think there is nothing wrong with knowing our own truth. It's the path that few people would take because it scares. I have the memory that the light is much more ruthless than the shadow and that few human beings become aware about it. You need the heart, you have to be enlightened for yourself on this path. Maybe because our cultures and traditions are different? Eastern peoples are more open-minded about spirituality and I think they understood that it had to be included. While the peoples of the West are more materialistic. * This is not a judgment, just observation *. It's something normal in my eyes, there was already an acquaintance who was part of me with wisdom. What may be considered horror for some people may not be for others. Now let's say the devil exists, don't you think his hell would be heaven? So what are you waiting for to paint yourself in rainbow colour? Haha! Love is love. I have seen shadow beings have more heart than beings we call angels. That's why everyone fell here to remember who they are before to shine! This is also the reason why I often say that we are all already dead here... And that it's up to each of us to find our own light if we really want to. Don't say you know how to love when your act causes pain but learn something from it. The heart, the soul and vibrations never lie. Everything is watched and recorded.
E: Wow, your site is really complete! There is absolutely everything in one person! Are you the one doing all this?
-Yalina: Yes! I become and have success to be. A warrior spirit! The one who shares her vision with Humanity to live in a better world without suffering, without war and without misery. I'm not the one wearing on a Wonder Woman costume and coming to save everyone! I'm not the one who comes to put glitter in your eyes. I just paint my life in rainbow colours! I'm the one who remains loyal to her human values and who has understood that to free your mind, you have to start by loving yourself first. It's useless to save those who don't want to save themselves! I just want to continue to travel, to vibrate joy with the people I meet, to dance, to sing, to share our different visions and to live in the present! Yes, I'm as a child who likes to have fun, laugh at jokes and tell stories. I am amazed by our nature and the mysteries! I also wish you the success to be. Don't try to be someone you're not! This way you will be more broken and hurt yourself more. Don't let the pain grow in your mind. I never say it's easy. You are unique with what defines you.
D: What is suffering? And your point of view about freedom?
- Yalina: How many children with broken dreams? Suffering is when you are not free in your mind and you have fears, lacks that you cannot fill from the outside, anger never expresses, blocages that prevent you from evolving and your ego that repeat that you will not succeed. Freedom is the complete opposite. When someone judges you, rejects you or abandons you, you understand that it happens for good reasons and that your place is elsewhere. You no longer suffer by the eyes of others. It's when you understand that you are the master of your own happiness or unhappiness. It's when you can look your soul in the mirror and you are proud to be. It's when you have the courage to go on and to be stronger than yesterday. It's when you listen to your inner child, that you forgive yourself for your abandonment and that your word has value for this world. You can speak and you have the right to be heard! You know you are not alone. I repeat it: I'm not perfect. I was born in what you call hell, the middle of the war, pain and misery. I'm a being skinned alive from the past who has managed to find her light and love in my heart. This is my success to be: the free-spirit.
F: We know since your young age that you have the artist soul, but what do you express through your art? Where does your boundless creativity come from?
- Yalina: No drugs! I never touch it because I protect my conscience and my eidetic memory. If we know everything about everything, wouldn't it be boring to live? I used to say that I know that I know nothing. I think mystery is what push us to imagine and it's endless since there can be as many versions of stories as anyone can think of! I transcribe the things that I find mysterious in my memories, my dreams, my visions, my nightmares and my passion for geometric shapes. I've always appreciated the details but over time, I also learned to deconstruct and to reinvent myself. I learned that we could rectify or improve. If I were deprived of my imagination, I think that's what would make me really sick. Even in a prison, I will continue to draw, paint, sing, dance or tell stories! My source of creativity... It's because I'm a big dreamer!
E: What is your biggest mistake?
- Yalina: I did it two years ago. I was in a relationship with my opposite personality. They are called energy vampires or narcissistic perverts. I came out of it growing because I had a lesson to learn. It was to stay on my guard, to trust myself more and to remind that the vibrations never lie even if the person seems very beautiful on the outside! He could keep his handsome face for years and then after two years, he can rape you with your own trust in your relationship because you don't want to obey him. He is like an ancient snake. I let it bite me and that's how we figured out what I was. I digested its venom and left stronger! Normally, we die of it but not if we are immune like a peacock. After this, the cosmic energy died out. The shield of Mother Earth has fallen and the Universe doesn't appreciate that we touch what is most precious here: the Children of The Sun. The pandemic has begun... It's the start of the chronometer for the sixth extinction. I had the confirmation of what was above me and in me since always. I know that no one will be able to get through my divine project. This is why I came to Earth: Ex-Chrome Art. I don't give up and I will never do it!
W: You are talented artist... but you are not famous. Why? You have to shine!
- Yalina: I never need this but just to live the present. I feel there are two opposing forces of the Universe that best protect me. I call it " Life " and " Chaos ". Stop the Manichaeism please! No, they don't fight! They want a middle world and they find it through my heart. They knew the souls of everyone here. It was best to let me mature and protect myself from people's eyes. This is why, I'm not famous. I always follow their advice! I had the right to make my mistakes because I am a human being. I wanted to live free and happily! This is how I was able to readjust my inner balance as well as possible. They send me when they think it's time for me. I believe in fate and the only thing I can do is accept by trusting myself. My success was not in being rich and famous. My happiness is to be and find my longtime friend, my Dragon. I run after wisdom because it's the only way to be one. When you are the Universe, you know you don't need to prove yourself to others! Do only what you love with your enlightened heart and give it!
D: What is your success that you are most proud of?
- Yalina: Ex-Chrome Art... This is the project for Humanity to go through this sixth extinction which already started and to open all gates for the liberation of souls. Everyone will have their own truth. This is the golden age of revelation. I invite you to check it here:
R: Still a single lady? Why? Aren't you afraid of ending up alone?
- Yalina: Yes, I don't want to share the Universe with someone else. The best meeting I've had in my life is meeting myself again and again. No one can understand you better than yourself. No one can find your way better than you. Everything you find on my website, I learned and worked alone outside of my job as an educator. I went where I felt happy. I fight in my own way to achieve my dream. If I did it for another artist, I won't have an identity. I will live through the eyes of the people around me and I don't want that. One day, I took the time of my life to ask myself the right questions. Who am I? I've been in a relationship six times and you know, beginnings are always nice. A few years later and it's different because we don't know how to love each other before! You add the difficulties that a woman can have in a patriarchal system. Everyone is conditioned that a man should work and a woman should stay home with children. My last partner raped me to dominate me because I didn't obey him. Yes, it still exists in an evolved country! Of course, many women want to have a rich man because they see security and a future if they ever want to start a family. I don't want to be submissive and give all the power of my life to my partner and the people around me. This is my life and it belongs to me. I don't want to be commanded, told how I should live or be. I just want my freedom with my adventurous spirit. That's why I'm alone and I'm proud to feel like a woman, a human being. Not like a number or an object that people can use and throw away. I respect myself, my emotions, my inner child and then, I am! I'm not afraid to end up alone because I was supposed to be already dead on Friday, July 23, 2021. Death never asks your opinion if you want to live ten or twenty more years... or to leave immediately! Haha! It takes you and you don't have time to understand anything. For me, I was not dead but in an emergency, I was. I just had an afterlife experience. You are alone with yourself because your worst enemy is not outside but inside you... It's my choice. You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy. Why deprive yourself of staying with a person with whom you are not happy when you can live everywhere and vibrate with joy by making lots of encounters that enrich you? But maybe I will find the one who will correspond to me and who will accept to vibrate joy with people and not to stay locked up. On that day, maybe I will agree to share our roads together and continue to love each other in the wildlife. Where we can evolve our conscience and give to the world.
E: Your favorite video game?
- Yalina: NieR Automata.
B: What is your favorite style of music?
- Yalina: Ethereal emotional orchestra.
P: Could you explain your philosophy please? I have some difficulty to understand.
- Yalina: Maybe there is no need to be understood because we are unique with our eyes and life experiences. I can speak and use words that I think are closer to what I want to tell you, but the interpretation might be different. For me, the best way is to speak from the heart because feelings never lie. My philosophy is simple. Life is gratitude. We are here to learn what is good or bad in order to be complete for the last consciousness. Everyone has to find the right balance that best suits them. When we observe this Universe, they know how to coexist, live and dance together without Humanity. They know how to live in harmony and form beautiful geometries. They know how to be in beauty and in communion. This link taught me a lesson of wisdom. If misery and pain exist in the world because of indifference, we can't be totally happy, the geometry is broken... The first step is to recognize that we were born into a sick world and then we can heal at the root if we want. This is our next stage of evolution! More and more people are waking up and understanding that our happiness is real when we share it! What is reality? Nothing lasts here, an entire civilisation too! We have already experienced five extinctions before but what have we learned from our Ancestors? We won't escape the sixth and how many people are questioning themselves? I will sing the hope no matter what happens because there is beauty, love and wisdom. Now you know why I told you that I'm Alien.
Life is worth living!
