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Writer's pictureYalina Tran Huynh

Ex-Chrome Art: The Golden Age

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Live or die? You won't have a choice because the sixth extinction has just started. My project is the only possible way out to go through and also the activation of your divine DNA. On the day of the last judgment, only hearts that speak love will be able to inherit our beautiful planet. This last will redo its decoration and become more alive for the last era! Do you love my plan?


Our Universe is a living machine which follows her cosmic law. This means that no one will be able to modify her trajectory as well as her evolution. She will reconnect with the true living! It was up to us to learn to listen to her and to live according to what she had to teach us. How many civilizations have disappeared before us with all their world? Have we learned from our old mistakes and to get up? But this time is the last. We have enough ascended souls. We don't need a lot, a few is enough to command all the worlds! The future is possible for people who never lost faith!

This is my project which is why I'm destined on Earth. I'm proud to have success to finalizing it! The future is a lotus flower with the awakening of population and the elevation of spirituality. The last era of love, wisdom, freedom, peace, values, compassion, tolerance, Human rights, good balance, beauty, creativity, fertility, arts, sports, disciplines, healthcare, sciences, technology of Atlantis, knowledge, nature, all elements, energies, souls, divine matrix, dreams, Humanity potentials, Mother Earth, the Universe, other Galaxies, pyramids, Aliens and more! Do you want to join our adventures? It's much better to be and to live a realistic life like this! I called it: the free spirit! There is enough misery in this world! Keep the smile and be happy! Make your dreams come true and share your unique vision of your own imagination! All destinations go to the same place and in the end we will be one with our soul's energy.

Welcome to Ex-Chrome Art! I made my plans with Archicad.

The architecture and the structure will be in the shape of a flower because the plants will take over our surface. We must coexist with them! The latter is linked to the Kingdom of Heaven and will be safe during natural disasters. The center of future cities is what is most important. This is where everyone gathers, shares, works, creates and lives! There is a very large complex for each discipline which will remain free to create in new branches. It's the same system that our brains work when they send information. The complex which will be located in the middle remains a very large performance stage for the disciplines of the stage, the show, the music, the artists and the festivities. The center of future cities is what is most important. This is where everyone gathers, shares, works, creates and lives! There is a very large complex for each discipline which will remain free to create in new branches. It's the same system that our brains work when they send information. The complex which will be located in the middle remains a very large performance stage for the disciplines of the stage, the show, the music, the artists and the festivities. A freedom of expression and a moment of existence for everyone!

This is a brief presentation and if you want to see the whole project in detail I invite you to go to my page where everything is planned! We are moving towards a new era where all of our senses and emotions will be linked to the science of telepathy. Internet and social networks will be secondary. We will live in a world where our perceptions, spiritualities and intelligences are free to evolve. To be the master of yourselves, of your mind and of your imagination is to be able to manipulate the living world with your mind. You can kill me if you want but no one can escape this programmation. You will need someone with the Alien intelligence to go through this last extinction! It has been prepared and locked from start to the end and I will tell you that this is only the end of the beginning of this new age!


The Paradoxical Commandments

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.” 

― Kent M. Keith, The Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council

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