Don't worry for the planet! You find more problems to solve the problem and you will apply it to ignore the solution. But did you know that we don't have a planet B? I'm not really sure we live in the same planet... Why do you close your eyes when there are people who have solutions for all solutions!? Why do you put them aside because they are different from you and can change the comfort of your life? Our land won't ask your advice about earthquakes, rising waters, tornadoes and anything that cleans it up! She is her own antidote since her real virus is us... Look at this! What do you think about this picture? You will reply me that you already see this on TV and it's like the same day than yesterday... It's not to scare you, it's beautifully colored, don't you think?

Yes, because you live in your confort zone... but did you know that the Universe never close Her eyes and feel all the vibrations? She is a living system like the procreation system of woman (uterus). The link with the a baby is so special. When something happens with negative vibration, I called it violence against Her. You know what scares me ... is to see that there are few people who question themselves the situation we are going through today.
Yesterday I saw a photograph of six giraffes dying from the drought. They had no more water to drink. Recently, there was another investigation opened in a chicken slaughterhouse in France. Without forgetting the Kentucky tornado a week ago. I'm very attentive to everything that is happening in our natural environment! I prefer to do an article where I group everything together than to do several! It's simply because I don't have the permission of the photographs of the television channels to put out a full article on the subject every time! I do it in my own small way, that's ok.
It's my way of being active: by encouraging others to think. We live in a world where spirituality and the intellectual is pushed aside because it doesn't sell in a civilization of interests. If I tell you that there are solutions for everything?
