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Writer's pictureYalina Tran Huynh

Energy healing

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

" Everything is Energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - Albert Einstein

How do all forms of life begin? Everything takes place in a womb… when the woman breathes life. You know this energy that makes a heart beat and be alive! We don't need to be plugged into an electrical outlet to recharge. What revitalizes us is solar energy!

This energy that is in each of us, whether we have a soul or not, this circulates so that our heart allows us to stay in this world. She goes down and up. Then she goes up and down. It's cyclical. It goes through what are called the chakras of the body as in the image above.

Chakras are various focal points used in a variety of ancient meditation practices, collectively denominated as Tantra, or the esoteric or inner traditions of Hinduism.

The idea behind Chakra is found in the early traditions of Hinduism. Beliefs differ between the Indian religions, with many Buddhist texts consistently mentioning five chakras, while Hindu sources offer six or seven. Early Sanskrit texts speak of them both as meditative visualizations combining flowers and mantras and as physical entities in the body. Within kundalini yoga, the techniques of breath exercises, visualizations, mudras, bandhas, kriyas, and mantras are focused on manipulating the flow of subtle energy through chakras.

The modern Western chakra system arose from multiple sources, starting in the 1880s, followed by Sir John Woodroffe's 1919 book The Serpent Power, and Charles W. Leadbeater's 1927 book The Chakras, which introduced the seven rainbow colours for the chakras. Psychological and other attributes, and a wide range of supposed correspondences with other systems such as alchemy, astrology, gemstones, homeopathy, Kabbalah and Tarot were added later. ”

It's our vital energy, the one can heal everything, interconnected with living beings and which is also for the reproduction system. When we have a knot in our body, the energy is focused on that point and with an imbalance we get sick. It's linked to our emotions, our mind and finally to everything that defines us! The natural environment of our body is nature. With our feet anchored in the earth and our seventh chakra which feeds in the sun. This is how our body can transmit energy between sky and land. The latter allows us to cleanse negativity and transmute it. A person who tends to nurture only the material plane while forgetting the spiritual, the energy will focus on these first chakra points. To be in balance and in harmony, it's a work of awakening to be undertaken and it takes time. We are like a flower. If it opens too quickly, it dies.

It's a science related to others. Lack of openness creates boundaries and places things into categories. No, this is not just for religious or spiritualists people! It's important to be more curious, to open up to the unknown and to connect them together! We are no longer in unity today because we no longer listen to each other. If we observe nature, all living things know how to live with each other. They can vibrate and dance life! They are connected. It's only the human being to neglect the sciences which have descended upon us and which stand alone. When this energy is used negatively, it can cause disease. There are those which are physical but also those which are in the soul. How to care it if we can see this? I would like to encourage its development to heal us naturally. We once lived longer because everything was in harmony with it all! Some examples of science with energy healing: natural medicine, therapeutic massage, crystal healing, mesmerist, hypnotist, shamanism, acupuncture, aromatherapy, art therapy, Ayurveda, meditation, music therapy, naturopathy, yoga and more.


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