" There's a theory that says that life is based on a competition and the struggle and the fight for survival, and it's interesting because when you look at the fractal character of evolution, it's totally different. It's based on cooperation among the elements in the geometry and not competition. " - Bruce Lipton
It's this word that I decided to adopt as a profession: a cyber-activist artist! I work my idea to develop social networks with decentralised databases which encourage awareness, spirituality, wisdom, creativity, philosophy, human and intellectual values. A place to bring together activists, visionaries, geniuses, misunderstood, artists and everyone! I would like to be able to focus on the evolution aspects of life or even the small ideas that can revolutionize the world of tomorrow. There, where we are attentive to everyone and we take the time. I don't want any more trends to follow. If pregnancy sells and earns a lot of likes, all women will start having children! I prefer to refocus on what makes us happy and unique. Where is the benevolence of social networks today? Stupidity sells more than concrete solutions to live in a better world! Polemics or dissatisfaction are subjects that are always talked about. There is no point wasting time on trivial things that we know this will not change. As we often say, we have to leave the past to the past but we have to come out with a lesson learned. I would like to see more great minds that encourage small minds to think, to communicate with constructive words, to be in non-judgment but in sharing and tolerance. We cannot agree on all points! It's impossible! On the other hand, we can enrich ourselves with each other's points of view by trying to see different things. I would like to create a diversity of all backgrounds to no longer classify in a category: something more complete than pictures and some words. Do you see my website? Imagine it in the social network... it's not very possible because there are so many things! Art, sciences, music, literature, photographs, projects and more! The goal is to open up to the world, to horizons other than our comfort zone and to enrich ourselves internally. I don't want a system of followers and likes but of sharing posts. When intellect, values or success to be is recognised, I want to link and share it with the giant screen in the city of " Ex-Chrome Art ". We are not always beautiful and happy! It's wrong. Sometimes you cry because something sad is happening. This is human feelings. I don't want any more statistics, to sell your image because my project is an architecture with a sharing system! I want to see more true souls and responsible people. I would like something more healthy, fair and recognised where everyone has the right to exist! Everyone will have their moment to share their pride, their existence or their own success. It's not just about being rich! Success can be a victory over an illness, for example! I no longer want a one-way system of interest and profit. I want something cyclical where shared ideas never die off. Why did I think of that? I find that our social networks are deteriorating day by day and that they do not value what true Humanity should be. Maybe that seems utopian for you! You can't tell if you don't. It is by making mistakes that we learn and evolve. I will tell you that perverted people will always find a way to use it to their advantage. Everyone is responsible for the use they make.
I built my own site where I put everything together so that everyone understands that all this is me, this is my world! There isn't just one side of me. Tomorrow, if I were to be recognized, I don't really want to be defined in something. I want to tell you that I am human and that my creativity will go where it wants with my free values. If I want that many jobs, I will have plenty! If I want to be interested in all sciences, I will exhibit all of these! If I did this on social media, I would only share one side of me. It will surely be a model. Apart from that, I am not just a model but much more! Maybe I decided to have a limitless intellect ...
What Does Cyberactivism Mean?
" Cyberactivism is the process of using Internet-based socializing and communication techniques to create, operate and manage activism of any type. It allows any individual or organization to utilize social networks and other online technologies to reach and gather followers, broadcast messages and progress a cause or movement. Cyberactivism is also known as Internet activism, online activism, digital activism, online organizing, electronic advocacy, e-campaigning and e-activism. "