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Writer's pictureYalina Tran Huynh

Children of the Sun

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

" If you knew what I know about the power of giving you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way. (...) If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone. There is no companionship with the immature. " - Buddha

It's not important to tell you who I am because everybody can be divine! It's better to know yourself first! I'm just an artist who invests her time for happiness, love and free spirit worldwide! One of the first Alien, singing and dancing where there is music and I assume my difference: always smile and vibrate joy! In this article, I want to share my knowledge, my philosophy and my spirituality about Humanity in the world! Why people don't understand how I could stay generous, confident and have cosmic energy! Please, stay open-minded, be tolerant here and don't forget that everybody is unique! That is to say, we have seven billion ways to perceive life and we have to respect each other! I will always tell you to trust and believe in yourself, not me. I'm not here to convince, to advise or judge you. Everybody will have their own truth if they want. Everybody has to determine what is best? This is my light and this is the best I can give! There is a way out in this Universe, and we designate it « love » and « wisdom ». If you have an awareness, you are connected with the Universal Love Energy: Ether or the fifth Element. This is my last creation here. When you succeed in being, we are the Universe! You know that everything is linked and connected. I call them « The Children Of The Sun ».

In every story and movie, we constantly see the fight between light and darkness! Always to save the world! But, we never evolve this! If I ask you « who do you want to be? ». The reply is always« the super hero or the main character.» Who has courage to reply « I want to be the king of darkness or the loser? Mouhahaha! ». No one! We always want a good end or to be the hero of our own story! Now, if I inform you that everything is sacred? All human’s souls with bodies include a mix of creatures, energies, elements, all sciences and knowledge? The first humans were created elsewhere, that is why the Earth can live without us! We came here after. We have the choice to be what we want to be! This Universe is the last technology more evolved than the others! There are several and they are interconnected! Human is not the only ones, sorry for racist or nationalist people. Every person you meet in your life has a role to place you where you have to be! You just need to listen to your inner voice! It's your soul. I designate it " destiny"!

First, what is this Universe for you? From my point of view, "She" is a living machine with a soul to transmute darkness (negative energy) into divine evolution: all the people who are not registered in the book of the souls will be generative food for our planet. A Middle Earth where we have to learn from light and shadow inside our mind (not outside): to be the ultimate consciousness. We are all aliens! Stop discriminating because of the difference! No knowledge without death! No divine human without their shadow! This is a solution to achieve absolute peace in every world to conclude all Universe war! We are here to experience the body of humans, senses and emotions. We are here to learn compassion and to be divine. She doesn’t like to hear nuclear bombs because She has an original sound! She was created with all love, wisdom, sciences and arts! She is an infinite circle and it's not possible to escape "the beauty of life". Microcosm and macrocosm are one. Past, present, future are one. We must evolve with Her! She's not waiting for us. When we examine the health of our Earth, we can conclude that humans choose to nourish more the negative part today. They don’t listen to their hearts and souls enough! Our spirit develops material and worlds come true! We endure hell worse than a virus! Everything is polluted. The ecosystem is practically dead. Animals suffer and disappear. Nations and people are divided between them: what is love now? They put their energy into their ego and the power. They never learn from the mistakes of our ancient civilisations! But, we can evolve it if we want before our own extinction (except for the Children of the Sun)! No one can change their destinies. This is my last call before the beginning of the Golden Age! I'm not here to save people when people don't want to save themselves! I've created all souls before I came here. They will be safe because their third eye will always guide them! They are awake. This is the responsibility of each! She never requires our opinion the day She says: it’s enough! And She did it because I've created Her and I'm like the Mother of worlds. It won't last for weapons, war and every destruction because darkness was already submitted in the past! This Universe is a chance for demons to be human, to learn emotions and love! It's a chance for angels to learn compassion. Do you know the finalisation of the creation? The freedom to be godlike! Some humans have become worse than demons! All the other worlds are already here! They are waiting for my orders. They are my architects and my armies: they will help me to build all I need for "Ex-Chrome Art". All the people who chose to nourish their dead trees as my picture, they will be the good energy for all my plants! The Earth will regain all its splendour soon! And now, why are you scared? About Humanity? We are here to be happy with all our dreams and excel in our potential of creativity. This a tree of life with two ways of kabbalistic tree, kundalini energy or the seven Chakra. I mix all because for me, everything is linked and connected! Alchemy, algebra, geometry, elements, sounds,… all sciences. Nassim Haramein and Gregg Braden explain it with scientific facts! It’s not complete if we just take the part we want to admit. We have to take the positive and negative together! Science of the Sun and the Moon together! Our DNA evolves! Our hearts are like a powerful battery connected with magnetism field. This is the divine matrice. Everything interacts. Everything is like a circle: all is one.

Imagination, emotions and senses are the doors in all dimensions! This is one of the lost sciences due to the five extinctions of Humanity. These last records of every information in our life! Yes, we can travel through time and space. I call it the memory of the soul. The second lost science is how to evolve our spirituality: love, energy and faculties. When we come here, we are dead. When I'm waking up, I always say: thank you to be alive one more day in hell of disconnected humans. To live here is a gratitude! The real death is when we forget everything because we are disconnected with the source! The goal of our life is to remember and to reconnect. If we choose to nourish positive way in value, we choose to be divine! If we choose to nourish only the negative part, our name is not written in the book of life that we call Akashic record. It's the library of Universe where everything is notified. We can't lie and cheat in this world. Everything is witnessed even the earth under your feet and the plant by your side.

Mother Earth science gives us a perfect nature! We don't know how to learn and read all of Her! We just want to see with our eyes or stay in our comfort zone! I always question myself about my beliefs. We never try to observe her with totality, that is to say 360°! Courage and be more curious. Maybe, I have to repeat it: Mother Earth has a soul! Her power is enough for the sixth extinction of Humanity! I used to say that a life in black and white is very sad and both, the result is not only grey! It’s just sacred! People with white aura have to learn tolerance. People with black aura have to accept love. Energy has to circulate up and down in your body! If you know and learn how to balance, you can play with all the colours and spectra! We have to see our weakness, to be friendly with shadow and accept it if we want to evolve! When our Universe wants to put her rules in place, we are all in the same boat! The time is coming soon and She will keep only people who are connected with love. She is feminine energy: life, love, spirituality, intuition, creativity, sensitivity, beauty and fertility! That is why I'm not afraid of people who take only masculine part: active, competition, domination, materialism and more. Those who don't want to evolve and dominate everything! Be careful! No sexism here! Masculine energy could be a woman and feminine energy could be a man! Please, this last doesn't need to change and dominate them because we were, we are and we always will be more powerful than this. We are like the living machine of Universe. Masculine was, is and will be always secondary. The result of a good balance of both is transcendent. If you understand that everything is energy, you know there is equality and justice here! Love, wisdom and the truth always triumph! Your nuclear bomb is nothing if the stars will fall down since each Child of the Sun will have the right to his own.

It's important to remind you what is human and how bigger is the Universe! And... you want to dominate all of Her? I'm not really sure that it's a good idea because She just needs some earthquakes, tsunami, volcano, my fire bees and we are all dead! Meditate about it...

Some Children of the Sun are already here and you can’t stop them for this last Era! They are shining children with Universal Love Energy. We are connected between us. We never need to see each other or to be present. We are nomads and have managed to survive in this system. We adapt everywhere. We protect the most vulnerable people. We are hypersensitive and aware. We are loyal to our values. We know how to make our dreams come true and we have succeeded in being. We possess Universe into our eyes and we can connect with everything we want! Our mind creates material: if we want to control water, we can. That is why, we have lots of faculties that no one can imagine it! Our souls are already accomplished in love and wisdom before we come here! We know who we are and never forget where we come from. We always fight with all our love despite our dark past! We have courage to endure all pain, to stay standing up and to go on! We are the best warriors of Heaven! I trust in my last creation of Ether and I'm the mother of all of them! I repeat it: change is imminent! This is my last call! We must to be together to create the Golden Age now!

I repeat it: my family is multi cultural! That is to say Vietnamese, French, Senegalese, Algerian, Guadeloupean, and more… It's the prouve that we can live together in peace and love when human values are the priority! Religions, opinions, backgrounds and cultures don’t divide us! We focus on consideration of human! When I see Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Australia and New Zealand, I don’t understand why we are so primitive and don’t learn from them to evolve! These countries know how to live with nature and have the best education system! When you have this knowledge, you are relaxed and free in your mind! You are confident for the future because we understand the power of our Universe: we are one! We think to evolve ourselves and to share our unique vision in order to make more peace in the hearts of others! Nobody is here to save you except only you! I trust in myself and about what I have created before I come to this Earth!

This is my part of light that I want to share. This is why I'm always happy! This is why I find courage to go on despite all my pain, my dark past and mistakes. I learn from them and become better than yesterday! I don’t fight against them, I try to understand and have more compassion for myself. This is why I'm always standing. I never forget where I come from: Mother of every world! I used to say: « the beauty of my soul reminds me that love, truth and wisdom always triumph! ».


I don’t want to say that the future is « Woman ». This is not true… Our soul has no gender. Feminine energy has the power to transmute and evolve masculine energy. We need both for equality! The Phoenix for the women and the Dragon for men. I prefer to say that future is « Equilibrium ».


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