New cyber-futuristic song!!! What's the meaning... What do you think about this sixth extinction of Humanity? Are you scared to die or to die more? Come play with me before! Muahahahaha!!! But, give me my emerald tablet please! This is mine and I know how to use it... You need someone with Alien's knowledge for this...
I wrote this song about my dream that repeats often. I'm with my twin brother in the desert. We are in front of the pyramid. I only have one arrow left on my bow with this number written on it: 375-444. I thought about it, doing the turn of my choice a thousand times if I had to and I pulled it. My twin brother laughs at my shot. He thought I was going to shoot upstairs. I shot in the corner ... at a load-bearing wall. The pyramid is cracked and it will not hold for long. From his anger at having understood my intelligence, he decided to kill me and I told him that it will not last. Everything is now a question of time. She's going to collapse. Mouhaha!
Well, I finally understood what it meant! I had my answers to my questions! It's the continuation of the history of Pocahontas, when it returns from her lands decimated by the people which one calls "the good civilization". She grew up and she was educated in her welcoming land. She even tamed all the worlds! She wanted a peaceful solution because we all live on the same boat! She very quickly understood that we were all linked and that there would be no other place to live in the matter! We can't go beyond this Universe. She finds John Smith on her way and discovers that he became worse than the Governor Ratcliffe! He remains indifferent in his silence. No, he was not born like that but with a good heart. I had to remind him. He is so cradled by the illusion that he hasn't had the courage to think about the people he says he loves them. I'm responsible for my arrow but not for the choice he will make. I knocked on his door three times and I stayed nice to alert him of upcoming events. I would rather be alone than be in bad company. I don't need a man and I never needed one! He could do things in wisdom or in pain. Either way, the result would be the same. The difference is that the first situation will avoid the pain. He chose to leave with a conscience filled with grief for his lineage. He let all the worlds get the better of him, the Father of Humanity betrayed himself, his Ancestors, his entire lineage as well as the people he says he loves them. He absolutely lost everything. He gave up what was meant for him. Of course he was right for him. It's the best choice to find himself but too late... His DNA is affected and it's final. As for me, it suits me since I got what I wanted properly. I wish him a lot of courage to assume his face eternally as well as his choice to have doomed all the people he claims to love. I chose to leave with a peaceful conscience. I really would not like to be in his place for the rest but as they say, we repeat our mistakes that we already know. I've been ready for all of this since I was four. I can only accept what has already been written in black and white. When you really love, sometimes you have to know how to put your pride aside and that's what I did. Since Friday July 23, 2021, the entire line of Humanity is no longer protected and my twin brother has his right to recover what he wants to keep or eliminate. This is why we have this situation right now in our world! This is what I explain in this song which represents me for the chorus and the last verse. I can only thank him for letting me regain all my rights and being able to continue on my own! Forgiveness for having my peace is already made but I will never excuse him. I can only pray for him now. I don't blame him for hurting me when he realizes he hurt himself but for the way he loved himself and all the good he didn't know how to do to for his nation he loved! When he sees them fall one by one, only hope will remain for the human beings who survived. The clock is ticking... Not more than a year!
We can analyze it if you like! Or would you prefer a little dance to complete this last era?
Alpha and Omega ∞ Omega and Alpha
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Time is running out
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Play in this dark out
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Watch-out the closeout
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Begin this flame-out!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Time is running out
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Find your way out!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Sixth Extinction now!
Three times I came
Three times betrayed
It’s a joke game?
World is full red
Sky Father fell
Have no courage
See your own hell
Ready to encage?
Three times I came
Three times betrayed
It’s a joke game?
World is full red
Drowned in the wave
Show your real face
Have no courage
The loss of your grace!
Tsunami, volcano,
Earthquake, hurricane
Virus, tornado
Throw the arcane
Alpha, Omega
Rebirth, Regain,
Omega, Alpha
Finish all pain!
Tsunami, volcano,
Earthquake, hurricane
Virus, tornado
Throw the arcane
Alpha, Omega
Rebirth, Regain,
Omega, Alpha
Finish all pain!
This time you came
This time, re-inflame
It’s a hell game?
World is full bled
Twins in flame
Stop to blame
Unlock your hell
Our end is the same!
This time you came
This time, re-inflame
It’s a hell game?
World is full bled
Burn in your flame
Show your real face
Welcome on stage!
Our boat is the same!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Time is running out
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Play in this dark out
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Watch-out the closeout
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Begin this flame-out!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Time is running out
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Find your way out!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Time is running out
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Sixth Extinction now!
Tic! Toc! Tic! Toc!
Sixth Extinction now!
Next time, mislaid
Next time, you’re ashamed
It’s a lost game
World is ended
Sky Father fell
Is that your rage?
Follow your Angel
Ready to engage?
Next time, mislaid
Next time, you’re ashamed
It’s a lost game
World is lifted
Each to his grave
Scream your real name
That’s to be brave
Rebirth of your grace!
Tsunami, volcano,
Earthquake, hurricane
Virus, tornado
Throw the arcane
Alpha, Omega
Rebirth, Regain,
Omega, Alpha
Finish all pain!
Tsunami, volcano,
Earthquake, hurricane
Virus, tornado
Throw the arcane
Alpha, Omega
Rebirth, Regain,
Omega, Alpha
Finish all pain!
Last time she came
Last time overcame
It’s a life game?
World is revived
Mother Earth raised
Keep the courage
Ghost in the shell
Now, the Golden Age!
Last time she came
Last time overcame
It’s a life game?
World is alive!
Mother Earth raised
Always be brave
Ready for ravage?
Genesis of the game!
Tsunami, volcano,
Earthquake, hurricane
Virus, tornado
Throw the arcane
Alpha, Omega
Rebirth, Regain,
Omega, Alpha
Finish all pain!
Tsunami, volcano,
Earthquake, hurricane
Virus, tornado
Throw the arcane
Alpha, Omega
Rebirth, Regain,
Omega, Alpha
Finish all pain!