“The human spirit must prevail over technology.” – Albert Einstein
When you know how to type codes, make your own website and build your world, you prefer to stay in what allows you to feel free. We all have a choice. I learned to be responsible for myself and to organize my time intelligently. I made the choice not to use social networks for several reasons. Everyone finds their interest and the utility that suits them: for the professional side, to share our moments of private life, to become famous, to advertise, to open up to the world, to meet new people and more. It's important to be tolerant.
My priority is to protect my creativity. In my opinion, social media kills creativity. Why? It's all about statistics and flow at the moment. Being an artist, if I create it's because at that time, I had something to say, to write, to paint, to photograph or to sing and that I wanted to share it. Not to be judged or to enter into what most call the norm! When there is a fashion or a movement, everyone follows! And I don't want to be like everyone else! I find that even scary! I'm an Alien who always knew what she was so why would I want to change if I feel free as I am? I can only evolve for myself! It's a waste of your time.
Yes, it allows people to reveal themselves to the world! It helps for a professional career, for advertising and a fast way of communication. How many people get famous because of it? It's one in millions! Especially since I don't want to be followed for an image. I'm not perfect! I have my dark side that I have tamed over time but which cannot be seen physically. I'm much more than that to consider myself one more number. I'm human with rainbow colors!
Yes, it helps to meet people and establish a good network! In a world where everything goes very quickly, I need to take the time! Patience is a virtue.
I did not agree with the rules for using images. Some of my artworks are for sale in my online store and I owe it to myself to respect my work above all.
In truth, I have very few friends that I can count on one hand. Which means I have five phone numbers in my contacts in addition to my family members. That's enough for me. Most have a friend list of three thousand people, but how many call or come to see you when they don't need you?
I didn't want to live totally disconnected. For some people, it's cool to be famous, to be rich, to have a team that runs everything! I prefer to stay alone and be sure that it's "I" who answers you when there is a request. I find it scary to have an account with millions of people following you and liking your photos without actually knowing you in person! I don't want to display a perfect life, where everyone is beautiful! Who would dare show up crying? I made the choice to spend more of my time in real life and to put on my site only the things that I want to share.
My life is limited and I didn't want to spend my whole life waiting for the number of followers to increase! I prefer to live, act and give in the present world because I don't know what will be done tomorrow. Maybe I won't be here anymore, neither you nor anyone. Tomorrow is a new day. The only thing I'm sure of is that it will stay on my site! Muhahahaha!
I just want people know me for who I am with my shadow part because yes, I'm crazy for sure! Love my scars more because it's thanks to them that the light can shine!
In fact, I even have a new idea! What if everyone learned to transcribe their imagination and everyone learned to be tolerant while respecting the world of their neighbor?
You have to be motivated and passionate. All of these software are my working tools. This is Adobe Creative Cloud. They miss those of Apple store and Archicad also. It took me over ten years to learn how to use them all! My time, I placed it there to be able to build myself and transcribe my own vision, my ideas, my imagination and my creativity through my website. I integrated everything on it! It's complete now: my artist profile, my own social media, my online store, all my projects, my artistic works, my news, my music, my own little channel, absolutely everything! I couldn't find my place on social media. With a profile like mine, we should create something more complete! And that doesn't exist! That is why, I DID IT!!! And I'm also for the use of decentralized databases! What is true freedom today?