Ah oh Ow!
Imagination equal life and chaos…
MoshiPaiPai was born…
Mom will give you lots of food!
Welcome to the Land of Human Beings! Aliens!
Namaḥ sarva buddha bodhi-satve-bhyaḥ!
Dragon and her Mom wander among Humanity,
Nobody saw nothing cuz they followed their philosophy
Aliens blow something, they release the cosmic energy
They can reverse things in your system of anxiety
Who is claiming it? Go to fight with spirituality!
Born like slave, forget your ways
Be brave but don't get in my way
Each his grave and no replay
Don’t wait to act before dismay
Be aware because of the strays.
Activation of our most beautiful stars...
Halley, Encke, Biela, Oumuamua, Hyakutake - Hyakutake!
That’s okay for the reconnection of the Earth…
Dragon and her Mom no longer hide with Humanity,
Nobody saw nothing cuz they’re locked in their philosophy
Aliens throw something, they give you the cosmic energy
They can evolve things in your system of perversity.
One, two, three, four, five!
It’s done!!! Hahaha!
Go Aliens! Go!
Dragon and her Mom wander among Humanity,
Nobody saw nothing cuz they follow their philosophy
Aliens blow something, they release the cosmic energy
They can reverse things in your system of anxiety
Who is claiming it? Go to fight with spirituality!
Born like slave, forget your ways
Be brave but don't get in my way
Each his grave and no replay
Don’t wait to act before dismay
Be aware because of the strays.
Fire! Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Sylvia,
Hektor, Themis, Elektra, Metis,
Nemesis, Athamantis, Iris
Alpha and Omega = Omega and Alpha
Finish…? Ow no! No! No! F = ma
Here is the drawing of all the changes in our Universe!
Open with Elysium Kingdom
All gates and dimensions are connected.
Laniakea, Milky Way, Dark Matter,
Andromeda, Circinus, Medusa Merger,
Pinwheel, Sunflower Galaxy!
Where are the others?
Dragon and her Mom come together with Humanity,
Nobody said nothing cuz they’re free in their philosophy
Aliens flow something, they work the cosmic energy
They transmuted things in your system of primitivity.
Welcome to the New World! More evolved.
All is one with telepathy of the hearts.
Yalina Tran Huynh
In my opinion, aliens have always been among us. Call them what you want: aliens, energies, angels and more. Only, they had as a rule not to meddle in the life of the human species. They can influence, help, guide but in no case do for human beings instead. All of theory and wisdom, all of our life lessons were brought in by all of our Ancestors. This wisdom is found everywhere in our environment, our nature, our bodies, microcosm and macrocosm... And it takes the practical, experimental part to learn and our dimension was made for that. Who today can define for me the exactness of what love is? What is "being human?" I wrote this song as a warning that other civilizations were here before us and they are entitled to take over if we keep repeating the loop instead of learning from our past mistakes. I don't care if people think I'm crazy because the pyramids are there in our world and at present, no one on Earth is able to say with precision by whom, where, when , how, with what technology, science and why they are there. And you, do you know it?
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