Music is the medicine of the mind...
You can listen to my music and download it for free. Just respect my world and my creative work. I will evolve in different styles of music. Contact me if you want to use it for your project please. I'm learning and just want to share my emotions with passionate people. Don't be the best for others but always be the best for yourself. Thank you for your understanding.
Music styles and inspirations: Neko - Meow, Neo - Tokyo, Sci-Fi, Video Game, Cyberpunk, Rap, Asian, Trap & Bass, Lo-Fi, Alien, Dark Electro, Epic, Rock, Metal, Futuristic, Orchestral, Gaia, Wildlife, Spirituality, Consciousness, Alpha and Omega ∞ Omega and Alpha, Dragon and Phoenix, Samurai, Blue Sword, Lionhearted, Rainbow Style and more... I want to have fun with all the sounds and emotions that already exist and are to come.
Goal: I want to break the codes of music. It's to be able to give us the freedom to create, to remodel, to mix and to do what we want to sing. I don't want to be classified in a specific category. If everything is made of vibration, energy and wave. This means that we have an incredible and infinite richness of sounds! My finalised goal is to bring together all the arts that we have inherited and to (create/be) an accomplished artist for the last era.
Story: I was born in the war's world and not in a musician's family. I started to express myself after the rape of my ex-partner two years ago soon. It was because of my project to build love in this world! It's very difficult to regain self-confidence and to rebuild yourself after abuse. I did it. I spoke for myself and to prove to myself that I can do it. There are times when I no longer want to show my body, nor dare too sensual dances. I don't want this to change me but I'm doing my best to make me better, much stronger than yesterday. Before it happened I was singing and dancing wherever I went to be in harmony with all the elements around us: water, earth, fire, air, ether and the living. This is what allows me to be connected with everything! At home, we don't play music just for the best performance, for a life of glitter or for the show of competition. We mostly sing what we have on our hearts. I see beauty everywhere and in everything. I prefer to encourage people to put down their weapons and sing anything they can't speak with words... I'm learning music and want to share it. Even if it's not perfect. I want to show it because if I did it, it was to say what was on my heart at this precise moment. This is a need. I want to show you my evolution and my progress. Nothing stagnates. In five years, I'll be a different person! I want to tell you that nothing is impossible and that you can also do it. You have to keep courage and hope even if everyone is shutting the door on you. It's because your values don't suit them. There is a better place for you elsewhere. Succeed while keeping human values and remaining honest, yes, it still exists! And it starts in our mind. Don't sell yourself to be successful because sooner or later your mask will fall off. Real success is being a person of value. I prefer to be authentic with myself. When we lie, our heart becomes sick and negativity is very good food for plants. When you give your best, no one will forget you! Any discipline requires a lot of time and rigor. How much time do you think I spend programming my website and all of its video, graphics and photography content? I had to learn to do everything and it took me ten years of experience to achieve this result! And you know why? It's just the beginning! Even though some people got in the middle of my path! Even though many wanted to discourage or judge me! I never gave up and kept going. I left school early. I don't have any graduation. I made the choice to learn everything on my own thanks to motivation and above all with passion. I will never get to my current level by going through a school because I will not progress as I would like. It would never have taught me all of my potential at once because it doesn't adapt to my profile. It would even tidy me up to be ordinary and shatter my creativity. It's for this reason that I followed my path alone. I protected my imagination as best I could to let it run free. It was the best gift I could give to myself: the beauty of my soul and my heart!
For disloyal artists because they want success and don't hesitate to crush in order to shine. Some people think they can steal another artist's ideas, personality and story. There is nothing to steal when a person does things with his heart. On the other hand, I am mature and wise enough to let life take care of you. I think it knows how to do the right thing very well and it will do it better than me. My Aliens friends love to eat negativity and fears. I wish you will evolve your mind.
My creative and fantastic style!
“ To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ”
– E.E. Cummings -
This is how I work. I'm a nomadic people and I can't take a professional studio with me. I learn to use what I have in my hands. If I had to choose a life between four walls with luxurious instruments and my freedom ... my choice is quickly made and will be on my free spirit. I learned a lot with our natural environment: the true wisdom and how they love between them. I better appreciate sacred and spiritual places.
Ex-Chrome.Art - Music Work
Visual Artwork Clip
I I have the advantage of being able to work on my video clips alone. I don't use professional camera to tell you that you can do it too. It's not the material that matters, it's what you produce with it. Anyone can make their dreams come true if they really want to. My Ancestors have always reminded me that maybe one day your ideas will be great for the world no matter what you use to express it. It will never change your values and who you are.