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Activist and Cyber-Activist

A puppet can't be a King or a Queen! My website is my freedom to express myself!

Coming straight from war, my mother could have abandoned me during the flight from the country. She didn't, even though getting pregnant and having a baby like that wasn't ideal! I became aware very early on of the world in which we live! I will never betray our Ancestors who fought for love and freedom. I learned enough from this hell to give all my light today! I always said this world belonged to the simple-minded! I consider myself an activist of free spirits and of the decentralized generation. All I give it’s for the Golden Age! A good balance of everything and the middle worlds!

" An activist is someone who takes action in support of or opposition to a cause. Activism can take a range of forms, from writing letters to government representatives to organizing boycotts. Some activists engage in radical or even illegal activity to further their ends, while others prefer to stay within the boundaries of the law to win more supporters to their causes. Every time someone writes a letter to the editor, educates a friend about an issue, or phones an elected official, he or she is participating in activism. "

What Does Cyberactivism Mean?

" Cyberactivism is the process of using Internet-based socializing and communication techniques to create, operate and manage activism of any type. It allows any individual or organization to utilize social networks and other online technologies to reach and gather followers, broadcast messages and progress a cause or movement. Cyberactivism is also known as Internet activism, online activism, digital activism, online organizing, electronic advocacy, e-campaigning and e-activism. "

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