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Everything is vibration and energy. Souls are connected to the divine matrix, the one that creates all of our souls. There is a library of the Universe where everything is inscribed identical to the Stone of the Sun of the Aztecs. All of this is connected from the microcosm to the macrocosm. All is One. When I say library, we think of books while we speak of souls and what constitutes them: the breath of life. Real death doesn’t erase your memory. Death is birth to your divine aspect if you have chosen to activate your DNA while awakening. Everything you do for a living is recorded. As long as our soul is connected to this tree of life, we are alive. Everyone can decide to feed their tree of life or their tree of death. Both are found in each of us to create our own balance. Our lives are spirals and memories of our repeating souls. The goal is the awareness to be able to evolve to our ultimate spiritual stage. Real success is being one with the Universe: free-spirit. The giant tree of life is where we are all linked and connected to each other in time and space. We have established it with energy for the soul, light for sight and sound for hearing. All of our senses, emotions and experiences record information. Our imagination is our divine power.  All living things are interconnected. We can’t live without the absence of one of the living elements. On the other hand, this Universe can live without Humanity which means that our cradle isn’t here. We are passing through to learn and leave then so on. Indifference and intolerance are the sources of our suffering. This is what creates the division. The remedy is simple: awareness is a victory. We must heal our soul from the root. Our key to light is in each of us and we call it self-love: compassion. Everyone has come here to learn the knowledge of good and bad, to make peace with the shadow to shine, to find their own balance and to be kind to each other. Give your knowledge and share your unique vision.

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Divine Spark



I was seven years old when I continued to reprogram Ether (space) along with the other elements (fire, water, earth, air) to the ultimate. I called it "divine spark" for love and wisdom. I wanted a world without hierarchy and without ego where everyone is happy together with living hearts. To do so, I programmed this "divine spark" into our DNA. It is found everywhere in all forms of life! It’s to reconnect our Universe with my planet Elysium. Everything will change, and we will find the real world alive in this one. For those who choose not to awaken, they will be disconnected from the divine matrix. The day will come when all hearts will be transparent and we will be able to see into every soul. Nothing will be hidden any more, but everything will be the truth. It’s also the way will make it easier for us to find love, the people who have always been meant for us or the people who are compatible with us. All this has been programmed from the genesis but like any new program, sometimes there will be bugs and crashes to correct. Each experience of human life is present to rectify as well as possible towards a true justice and those thanks to our lived experiences, our senses, our emotions and our memories of souls. All the empty space around us, the Universe is made up of divine light everywhere. We are no longer Manicheans but dualists! That is to say, to each his own balance between good and bad to make his vision shine as well as his last conscience. We are whole beings capable of thinking freely with wisdom. What will it be used for? After the Fifth Sun, it will open a new dimension to the last era. This is what will allow us to manipulate the material world with our minds since everything will be alive. Before we can get to this stage, we must learn to be master of ourselves, our emotions as well as the mastery of our mind. Free your mind and express your imagination. This couldn’t have been done before since it takes time for Humanity to learn to elevate its spiritually. A flower can’t open before otherwise it dies, it takes patience. We will be one with the Universe, the animals and the plants which are all our Ancestors.

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Genesis Matrix Programmation



Only one woman has the power to bring a whole civilization into the world. It's not what you do that matters, it's who you are. We have started and will end with love. Who told you that you need a house, a car, a partner and children to be happy? Wouldn't this be the image of success that society has shown us? Who told you that love has to be like what you see on TV? Do you meditate when you live with your disappointments? I'd rather be alone than in bad company. I prefer to live in non-attachment since everything is ephemeral. I repeat the golden rule: true love doesn't hurt. Before we can transcend love in this world, we must first and foremost learn to be divine ourselves. How do you want to be the best you can be for your children if you never succeed to realize yourself? In a world where everything is going faster, where you don't have time for anything? In a world where spirituality is very evolved, we are aware of this. We don’t have a problem of overpopulation since we consider ourselves divine. We take time for ourselves. The time to live. The time to become. The time to mature. The time to get to know each other. The time to learn. It takes patience and time to love yourself. As long as we consider ourselves as an object, for what the outside world can bring us, to be used or to please those around us, we will continue to spread like a mushroom and accept to be the worst virus. We will not know how to give love. If you don't love yourself, you can't give to others. We can’t live forever with the veil on our face. One day or another, the masks fall off. We only know how to take, but nothing will fill the void. All of your information stored in your DNA is passed down from generation to generation. It contains the transgenerational schema with our knots that we have to unblock in our consciousness, our unconsciousness and our subconsciousness. When we bring our unconscious back to consciousness then we can act as an antivirus and heal ourselves at the root. We can reverse the programmation of the spread of mold to the antidote. This is what will allow us to find all the care of body and mind. The meeting of two accomplished and divine beings transcends a divine soul in this world.

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DNA Evolution


Since everything is evolving in a spiral form, I will tell you that this whole body adapts and will change its appearance as well as its aspects according to this whole. DNA evolves according to our choices and decisions. As for the sound of our voice which changes as we grow. This is how plants and animals will recognize the real criminals responsible for our planet at the end. We don't need to worry about them, but it's always better to love ignorant people more. It's better to focus on the love, light, knowledge and the wisdom that you can share and give into this world! Everything is in our DNA, past, present and future. I finalized it before I came into the world. Everything will go as planned. I will tell you that the key to the world is beauty. Everything was done with love and art. Our perceptions too. We will be heading towards a world that is much more colorful, more hyper sensitive, more emotional and very far-sighted for everyone. The more consciousnesses awaken, the more the vibrations of well-being flourish. Humanity has been programmed to love and be loved for who we are. Our food of light is love. In a world considered for what we are, everything moves faster in benevolence. We are like a flower dancing between us. Happiness belongs to the simple-minded. We were created to vibrate.

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Rebirth of Lost sciences


In this category, I note the knowledge and the power to remember who you are. It’s important to nourish this last in order to enlighten yourself. Be curious and stay in awe of everything. This is the best way! We are here to learn, and to do this, we have to be open-minded with all our attention. If we think we know everything about everything, that means we are closed to learning. I repeat, there are seven billion ways of perceiving life in this world. You can't have one person always totally agree with you on every point or maybe, they won't listen to you. Stop judgement and listen to each other with tolerance. We don't have to be in agreement to exchange our points of view but we can share our different worlds to come out richer inside. Knowledge is shared and is never lost. Everyone sees the object from their own angle. How many forms of intelligence do you see? I will tell you that it’s infinite. As our perceptions evolve, our brain also evolve and adapt to living conditions, to our needs. It’s not only cerebral but can also be emotional, sensory, spiritual, intuitive and more. What limits us are the barriers we put in our mind. You have to know how to free the latter to fully realize yourself. If our Universe is currently disconnected from others, it means that it's asleep. Our neurons too if we don't choose to wake it up. One of the lost sciences is that of adaptation. We live in a world where we think that everything is still, frozen and that it will not move any more. However, our nature is unpredictable and we must learn to adapt. Our present isn’t the same aspect of the first civilization. It doesn’t stagnate, nor does it regress, but evolves. Then I will note the imagination. It’s the source of our creativity and we need it to create worlds, give material and then open up to other dimensions. The art of creativity brings our own world to life. If we are all connected to the tree of life, it means that our souls all have a telepathic link that allows us to impart information whether in everyday life or while we sleep. It can refer to what Carl Jung calls synchronicity. One science that we have totally lost today is consideration of human beings as well as our environment around us. We have forgotten the elements that constitute us and which are vital to us to live in a good balance. We have forgotten a benevolent education that gives us time to flourish. We replaced it with the scheme of numbers, interest, profit and competition. How can we be benevolent if we are taught more to sell a pair of glasses to a blind person instead of teaching respect for one another? We are not batteries but human beings. No, the divine spark was not programmed to make the stronger eat the weaker. On the contrary, the day will come when all hearts will be opened. The science of what the true living world is when our Universe is reconnected to divine light. No one will be able to escape it. This is the age of awakening.

Lost Sciences



We can’t overlook the emergence of artificial intelligence and we can’t blindly trust. We will have to accept to use all the sciences that have come down to us and push the door towards transhumanism. By letting souls come true and express themselves, everyone has a share of light and their knowledge to bring to the world. After the changes of the Fifth Sun, if our souls are energies, it will be enough for us to learn to master it. With the great knowledge of oneself and the mastery of one's being, we are moving towards an era of telepathy of all our senses. Which means that the Internet will be nothing more than a secondary science. We are moving towards an era where the mind can make matter and manipulate living elements. Every soul comes from a planet with extra-terrestrial science and it would be time to take responsibility for sharing everything with the world. This will allow us to act as an antivirus: find care (souls and bodies), and improve the quality of life for better longevity. Finally everything has a solution that has been in all of us from the beginning. All souls who have left unjustly will be able to choose to come back to experience human life in matter. Future is the Golden Age. Future is a lotus flower.

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Universal love dynasty



I often say that it looks huge and overwhelming when viewed from the inside while it's tiny when viewed from the outside. This is the conquest of my Kingdom coming to Earth. No one will be able to stop it. Human beings have focused on the art of destruction instead of observing our nature which is a library of all the sciences combined together. They are all connected and remain the most advanced. Weapons don't allow you to live longer. The one who teaches you that the strongest always win over the most vulnerable, in truth he is the one who hides his fear of seeing you free from your divine power! This Universe is not the only one, there have been others before and there will still be others after.

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