This is a little story... There is a soul that has never been dead and has come out of its tomb behind this door. She had very long wings and a snake attached to her left foot. She had fought for life and conquered all darkness once. Could Humanity hide that it was a woman? The energy of the divine matrix, the power to create life and the uterus belong to a woman! ... This is the reason why you blame us? I'm a woman!
Negativity of Humanity woke me up... There is enough blood for Mother Earth. I'm not here to save but to be one with the Universe. That is to say, we have the right to regain what the Earth was always been with compassion, love, wisdom, peace and beauty.
This is an Alien's thing... When you understand the link of sacred geometry: everything is about evolution. You will recognize what is that! This is not for Humans because Adam and Eve were nomadic people. This is multidimensional connected with energies of every worlds. The place where that you call Archangels come up and down into our Earth. They protect it because this is a jail for the worst entities and not for Humans. Nobody wants to destroy it... The worse Human the first! You can do it, but you have to agree to die immediately if you will do it. The difference between them and Humanity? They never create weapons against their own, they just need to eat for their lives. They will never accept you because you are food. They can't touch people who have love in their hearts. That is to say those who have activated their divine DNA. It's a sacred masterpiece and one of the best I gave here! I will be here at time!