Yalina Tran Huynh
" Adventurer and warrior spirit: the freedom of my imagination is my happiness. Let's do the power of creativity for the world of tomorrow. "
Contact Me!
Date of Birth: August 21st, 1990
Supposed to be dead: July 23rd, 2021(Sepsis)
Singer | Rapper | Photographer | Model | Web | Graphic Designer | Video Editor | Blogger | Dancer | Understands seven languages and more...
Arts | Travels | Philosophy | Spirituality | Sciences | Video Game | Alien | Technology | Mythology | Knowledge | Universes |Space | Wisdom | Sci-Fi | And More...
" Free-spirit bloodline: simple mind, no drugs, no alcohol, no surgery and no fake. I have success to get out of the patriarchal system."
Child after the war, I am grateful to have grown up on my host land in France and to have schooling to learn the necessity: reading, writing and counting. Being on the border with Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg allowed me to be open-minded as well as to be familiar with different cultures. Latin, which is the root of most languages, allowed me to understand the rules of grammar and also to quickly learn several. My favorite pastime was literature, mythology, ancient Egypt and legends. The encyclopedia is my friend.
I left school very early because of my parents' divorce and also because I wanted to evolve at my own pace by protecting my creativity. I followed my intuition (what we called the third eye). I never forgot my ancient life until I got here. My mother was alone with five children. I know what real misery is and always wanted more to be the best version of myself. I was a brilliant student in every way but there was no structure for IQ and EQ. There is not just one form of intelligence! You don't learn kindness, values and confidence at school. I like to learn because I know that I don't know anything. Nothing is taken for granted, life always teaches us something since nothing stagnates: everything is evolution! Finally, I took the initiative on my own and it was the best gift I gave myself. I used my time wisely and organized around what made me happy. I don't hesitate to go where it makes me vibrate. I have always kept my childhood dreams. I will never give up and I will do what is necessary to accomplish my project even if I have failed several times! Our society always teaches us to judge the wrong answer on the other nine correct calculations! There is no success without failure. You cannot shine if there is no shadow! In the section of my experiences, I will not write what my job consists of but rather what I retained.
My real school was the road, it's the best way to find myself in spirituality. My lifestyle is a wildlife with the Universe, all sciences, arts, knowledge, Human rights, travels, Museum, nature, animals and more. It's to deepen my awareness, to be tolerant, to tame my dark side, to understand my emotions, to be the master of my mind, to nourish my heart with love and wisdom. I observe a lot and I'm very curious. I understood very early on that everything is connected in our world. The greatest library of all sciences is to be found in our nature. We have to coexist with our environment and to protect it.
I never let people have power over me, that is to say disrespect me, judge me and choose for me. You have a brain to think about so be constructive in your words please. There is enough misery in the world and we need to speak more with love. My life belongs to me and I'm not here to be pleasant but tolerant. Happy people never waste their time discussing people. Great minds discuss ideas. This is how I managed to be happy by being myself. When you've created an illusory world, you know the way out. The brain will always play tricks on you while the heart knows the path. My life is an adventure. I don't feel the need to get attached because my cradle is not here.
Work Experience
Born for this 1990 - Now
January 2012 - Now
January 2012 - August 2018
Ex-Chrome Art Project: This is my success and what I'm proud of. This is for Humanity and the last era of the new civilization! It took me so many years to see this fit with tech tools! I was born with this and I will leave this Earth with my vision become matter! This is what will end all the sorrows, the misery and the wars of the world. Thanks to its Alien construction which will be connected to the solar system and to cosmic energy, we will be able to cross this sixth mass extinction. I am not entitled to judge anyone to know who deserves to live and who will have to say goodbye. Only the Universe can do it. The future is a lotus flower, the age of awakening, the truth, the last consciousness, love, wisdom and a middle world bringing together all worlds! We will have to coexist with those who have existed before us. They let us evolve and they have the right to come back. All the lost sciences will emerge and so we can live healthy longer. The Age of Revelation or Atlantis is here! Let's do it!
Photographer, Model and Graphic Designer: ten years of experiences! Ever since I was young, I have always felt a special approach to technology and digitals. Vision and imagination is the power to create and play with the multiple possibilities of an endless story! It's more incredible when it becomes matter! I find it so magical that I did everything to keep it! On this path, I have met a lot of superficial people who want to crush others in order to shine. They often show me their ego: they have power, they are famous, they are rich and they have the latest camera. They are beautiful, they are happy, they always have more than me and they think that I am going towards their interests and profits. In truth, I see their fears and how unhappy they are to fill everything from the outside. I'm a photographer to transcribe all my visions, worlds and dimensions, where I come from, my ideas, my dreams and my nightmares. I express all my emotions and what is deep within me. Everything I can't do with words! There are several artistic disciplines to do it! The beginning is on the inside to go out. It's called a soul. It is not the model of the camera that will define you but what you do with it! This is above all my passion before being my job. Even if I don't earn much and I worked as an educator on the side to take the time to see the end of it. This is my childhood dream and it's real now.
I have already thrown away our competition conditioning. I never had the need to be like everyone else because to be conformist is to be a number more. This is what I am not. It scares me to see everyone being the same! Photography has taught me that there will never be a single shot in the same place, at the same time, with the same setting and the same angle! Which means we all have a unique eye when photographing an object! So why not just be mindful and tolerant of each other's vision by letting them "be"?
The funniest thing is when I ask them if they know my brother, the most powerful man and the architect of this civilization, no one answers me ... courage, true values and having a soul, this isn't for everyone. I chose to be before acting in the matter. I don't need to cheat. Vibrations and a heart never lie!
Educator: help young people to keep hope and encourage them to be. I often said that it was not the children that should be seen again, but the parents first. This is a profession where you learn to remain a child and to be human! “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ― Albert Einstein. How many people will be ready for an evolution of the school system and how many will express their dissatisfaction? Why always go on and on and on when you know it doesn't work? Yes, there are exemplary models like our neighbors, the Scandinavians, so why not put them in place?
Covid-19 - Now
Computer Graphics Expert: programming of my complete website. Meme Queen! Everything is bundled in one! Here, I have my freedom and I can express my creativity. It's the best way to work during the pandemic and to keep safety. The latter will not stop me! Artists must adapt and reinvent themselves if they want to continue after the consequences of the health crisis. I qualify as a new emerging Artist from the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning ...?
Come back to life for the legacy of my Ancestors: Mother Queen of all Universes - Daughter of Life and Chaos - Leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. Yes, I'm alive and I AM.
Spirituality, wisdom, warrior, architect of life, artist, cosmic technology, lost sciences, connection of the heart, open gates, all that I can bring to this world for the last era. Extraterrestrial knowledge and rage of pure madness! Loyalty for my twelves Ancestors of Ascended Humans Tribes!
" I am not the first Buddha who came upon Earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world – a Holy One, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. " – Buddha
Showgirl: singer and dancer.
Kick some ass of bad guys and the most villain of all bosses!
I went to Vietnam and Australia to see the possibilities of a first site. It was what allowed me to build a first prototype of "Ex-Chrome Art", a small village completely free, autonomous and which respects our environment. That's when my ex-partner raped me to dominate me and shatter my dream. The virus arrived quickly and I was stuck in Melbourne one year. My project failed but I continued. I'll never give up. Whatever an artist does, his ideas will always be somewhere in space and time.
When I ask important people and organizations because I'm looking for my brother who is the most powerful man and the architect of this civilization... I have to discuss with him because of the last extinction, it's urgent! Why does no one reply? But If I speak about a polemic topic, why is everyone hear me? ... Because spirituality and the intellectual are not in your interests? Because it sells less well while we live in a crisis of conscience? Do you understand that good or bad people, rich or poor, criminal or not, we are all in the same boat now? No need for a third world war if the Universe takes everything back tomorrow!!! Do you know the word "NOTHING"?
"I have never seen a conformist change the course of things; only the mad people of our world have enough courage to do it! Death is just an illusion, I have nothing to lose and you? "